Be Water Ready!
From oceans to lakes to streams to swimming pools, water is everywhere: 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered in it! And while water can be an irresistible place for kids to explore, play and enjoy splashy fun, it can be risky for those who haven’t yet developed their water smarts.
Did you know?
- 9 in 10 parents see swimming as an essential life skill, yet 24% have low confidence in their kids’ ability to stay safe around water.
- Parents and guardians have a critical role to play in teaching their kids water safety skills – but they don’t have to do it alone! With more than 110 years’ experience equipping people with the skills they need to stay safe in and around water, the Y is America’s most trusted swim instructor. Each year, the Y teaches more than one million kids life-saving swimming and safety around water skills.
Tips to Know for Safe Swimming
Designate a responsible adult to be a Water Watcher and maintain constant visual contact with all children playing in or near the water.
Make sure you’re not distracted by your phone, a book or other tasks.
Don’t rely on water toys to protect weak swimmers. Coast Guard-approved life jackets are the only water safety devices certified to protect children.
Make sure kids know to always ask permission before going into or near water.
Teach children to avoid drains in the pool: drains can cause them to get trapped under the water.
Don’t let kids play breath-holding games. They can easily lose consciousness.